Beer Can House: Creativity for the Environment

The Beer Can House is a creative way of using wastes to make a tourist attraction. In this way, its creator John Milkovisch helped the environment by reducing wastes and at the same time generate tourism revenue. The house is not big but noticeable because of its beer can embellishments. 50,000 beer cans were used in creating the house.  

Its maker started the project in 1968 by piling marbles, rocks, brass figures and metal pieces in concrete blocks and redwood to construct the patios, fences, flower boxes, and an array of other items. 

The Beer Can House

Fence made of beer cans.

A good reminder to visitors.

Opening Hours of Beer Can House

It is open from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday. It is now owned and operated by The Orange Show Center for Visionary Art, a non-profit organization founded in 1980 to preserve such wonderful artistic expression. 
