View from Hoover Tower

Hoover Tower is a very prominent structure at Stanford University. It is a tower with carillon named after Herbert Hoover, the 31st President of the United States, and a prominent alumnus of Stanford.

The tower offers a 360 degree view of the campus with a spectacular panorama of the mission revival style buildings dotting its grounds.

Memorial Hall viewed from the Hoover Tower.

View of the Main Quad

Serra Mall in front of the Main Quad

Stanford Oval

View of Encina Hall from the tower.

Crothers Hall Complex across Encina Hall.

At the tower's viewing deck you can have a stunning view of Stanford landscape extending outwards to San Francisco and Palo Alto.

San Francisco in the horizon.

On to Palo Alto

It is just amazing that Stanford does not only have a paradisal campus, but also a magnificent monument standing tall and proud as the Hoover Tower.
