Westin Chosun: The First Hotel in Korea

Westin Chosun Hotel, located in downtown Seoul is the oldest hotel in Korea. You will see a Guinness Certification on its being the oldest hotel at the main entrance.

Westin Chosun offers a wide array of services for its guests and you can have varied selection of restaurants serving western and local foods.

There are also shops selling women accessories, flowers and bouquets, home decors and souvenirs. 

What is most remarkable about the hotel is its adjacent heritage site featuring a temple used by Korean nobilities during the Jeosun era. It depicts stylish Korean architecture from the gates to the temple structure itself.   

Korean gongs depicted in this sculpture.

A Korean temple architecture.
A Korean-style gate with kiwa roof.

A temple portal facing Westin Chosun.

The pond by Westin Chosun Hotel.

Another pond by Westin Chosun.

It is good to sip coffee on a Sunday afternoon at The Circle Restaurant.

If you want to make hotel reservations or dine at Westin Chosun, please visit their website http://www.westinchosun.co.kr/Eseoul.action.


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